The Loneliness of the Long Distant Buggier

The living ghosts of buggiers haunt me from the past. Dubai is a place of ex-pats who use the city as a stopping off point for just a few years in the hope of improving their lifestyle and of course to make some money or simply to get some overseas experience. I have seen buggiers […]
New 24hr Solo Distance WORLD RECORD

He’s done it again….. From 26th to 27th April 2013 Peter Foulkes aka Gannet aka Kitezone Muriwai 24hr Solo Distance Record; 704km / 437.44 Miles Kites; Ozone prototype race kites , sizes 2.3m , 3m, 4m. Witnesses and support team;Daniel Spiegel, Paul Crafar and Karen Conner Location; Mooseland, New Zealand Wind; W to WNW 15 to […]
Kite Buggy Adventure Race – Naki Nut Buster 2013

The anual ADVENTURE RACE including river crossing, going through baby-head stone field and passing through the rusty girders sticking out of the beach… Lots of fun!
Video of the Week

Here’s a short but great movie of me and my little friend Jay van Gijzen , the 9 year son of a good friend of mine. He had the time of his life and kept shouting: ‘go faster..!!’ the movie is made by Ruud Kurvers en the Go-Pro cam is owned by Tony van Meggelen. […]
Windseeker Holidays

Looking for a Kiting Adventure Holiday, What about Iceland on the 10th May, so coming up pretty soon. There are 3 laces left to fill, this will bring the group to 15, so will be an ideal size group to hang out together on the glacier for the week. The price is £900 all inclusive of nigh stay in Reykjavik, […]
Its Finished

Ken Shaw’s amazing account of this years ‘non event’ at Ivanpah NV On behalf of the Buggying community around the world thank you Ken, for this fantastic tale
Part III is Here

Part III – Dinner is served Having sussed out the Laundromat and the only convenience store I’ve ever seen with a reasonable selection of quality beer, block ice, real groceries and freshies under one roof, I am thoroughly convinced the Primm Valley Resort Casinos complex is not the Purgatory on the outskirts of Narvana I had […]
Part 2 of Ken Shaws Amazing Story

A voyeuristic account of Greasehopper’s annual journey through The RedNek Decompression Chamber a.k.a. NotX 2013, XbaN 2013, Slopped my Dripper 2013 Under a Mildly Amusing Moon
Probably the Greatest Kite Buggy Account Ever Told

Under a Mildly Amusing Moon A voyeuristic account of Greasehopper’s annual journey through The RedNek Decompression Chamber a.k.a. NotX 2013, XbaN 2013, Slopped my Dripper 2013 Any similarities to actual persons, places or non-events, alive or dead, real or fictional is merely coincidental and the product of a failing memory. Many of the names have […]
New World Record – One Buggy, Two Pilots, Two Kites

News came through to me yesterday of a new kite buggy world record, some of you will have seen the side buggy before, it has been around a few years now, well a few days ago, they set a new top benchmark speed for this very unusual buggy, a one of a kind as far as […]
Ivanpah ‘Club’ 2013

Great video from Bobby Muse, especially when he’s running alongside the PL Speed Buggy.
Crab Buggy Plans

There are many of us who have seen a Crab Buggy, but there are not many of us who have tried one, or even better still, make one. Olivier Suire has contacted us, to let the kite buggy community know, that from now, if you would like to build your very own Crab Buggy, a link has been offered to […]