Landsegler Price Change

Around a 25% price drop……these wheels are the future When I say these are the future, what I am refering to is the shape size and weight of these wheels, the perfect intermediate between the full blown bigfoot and the thinner disc wheel….seen below here is the UL Beach wheel, light-alloy rim, double-walled, anodized, 16″- 100mm wide 36 […]
Let’s go back to Bolton Le Sands
From a recent trip to Bolton Le Sands Let’s Go Back to Bolton Le Sands from popeyethewelder on Vimeo. Thanks to Steve Warren for the off board clips
Worlds 2012
Well done Alan Payne this give a great insight of just what the conditions were really like, and also….your sense of humour Worlds 2012 from Alan Payne on Vimeo.
Congratulations Landsegler

After years of continuous testing and using the best components out there, and setting the wheels to the best configuration for what we do, the success is begining to flow. Congratulations World Kite Buggy Championships, MONDIAL 2012 – Class 8 – Kite Buggy 6 sets of UL-wheels from Landsegler were used – at appropriate conditions – […]
360 backwards with kiteloop on upwind side
This video shows Randy Oldenbürger G1234 doing a 360 in a kitebuggy riding backwards and doing a loop on the upwind side
The World Championship Results 2012

[wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””] Men John Jansen, Dutch Bernd Spiering, Germany Sebastian Thomes, Germany [/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” class=”” style=””] Women Annika Grab, Germany Emilie Ravaux, France Stephanie Le Tionnaire, France [/wpcol_1half_end] Also well done to the :- [wpcol_1third id=”” class=”” style=””] Brittish Team Ryan MCGAVIN Matthew JOB Neil BODSWORTH Dutch Team John JANSEN Jeroen POTTERS Eric LEEGWATER Belgium […]
Conditions are rough at the World Championships
Its a little wet at the World Championships 14/07/2012 End of competition for the Class 8 pilot, Matthew Zubert, after an accident between three sand yachts on the circuit “Cherrueix Village” at 12:15 p.m. Evacuated by emergency services, Mathieu Zubert is being repatriated to the Hospital Center of Saint-Malo for control radiological. The prognosis is […]
The 2012 World Kite Buggying Championships

During 8-15th July 2012 the kite buggy World Championships will be held at Cherrueix. It is a coastal village situated North of the Ille-et-Vilaine department. Bordered by the English Channel, this village of more than 1150 inhabitants is right in the middle of the Breton part of the Bay of the Mont Saint-Michel, about 20 […]
GT-Race Full Option, Carbon edition

There’s no stopping Martin Faber, he continues to push the limits with the GT Race buggies While Stephan van Bommel still waiting for his buggy from NABX 2012, Martin has loaned his own GT-Race Full Option, Carbon edition buggy to use, together with the
Want answers to questions

On, we allow no comments, we have created a Facebook Group, for you to ask all your kite buggy realated questions. It is also a place to give us feedback, to let us know what is and what is not working, we have invited hundreds of experienced kite buggy pilots that could possibly answer […]