Video of The Week – Free Flight – Sandwich Bay
Great video by Cliff Baker and James Martin A video of our weekend fun, my friend cliff wanted to fly and I needed some practice following kites so we met up and this was the outcome, awesome edit mate really enjoyed filming it too. James Video editing all done by Cliff.
Video of the Week – RomoDK Mano Dirix
One week ago I went to Romo (DK) to shoot new footage for the Ozone Quantum. In this footage I’m showing the true possibilities of a high performance race kite Dirix Mano
Spider Crab Blog – Skye Parker
Below is a post from Skye Parkers Blog The Spider Crab is going to be a fantastic machine. And the great news about it is that I am 99% sure it’s going to work! BUT… I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about this disabled buggying… and I don’t think it ends with the Spider […]
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