Who’s Who?
Who’s Who? Power Kiters From Around The World To start with the people on these pages are mainly UK Kiting forum Users, but this is now open to all buggiers and land based power kiters from around the world
The End of 2011
Well another year has past, and I have to say this has been my leanest buggying year, in fact I can count the times I have buggied this year on one hand. I hope to change that in 2012, I plan to get out much more, I have a brand new Apexx sat on my trailer […]
Merry Christmas Everyone
Hope you all have a great Christmas and may the winds blow strong for you in 2012 All the very best Pops
Dubai Buggying Trip
Dubai April 2009 What a great Buggying adventure, and what a privilege to meet the great Sand Yeti and the desert gang, the photo here from left to right. Sand Yeti, Sir Bolts, Brig, PTW, Denise & Dubai Red Dragon
What would You Like?
Having spent well over 100hrs now uploading data, and I still have quite a bit more to upload by the way. Is there anything I have missed or you would like including on this site, I dont allow comments on this site in an attempt to keep it as clean as possible, but there are […]