
My Bugging Days are Over, For Now

It has been a while since I have written a personal log in this blog, and today I have chosen to formally let you know, that I have now officially finished with my kite buggying. I have also stopped completely building buggies. Let me explain the reasons behind these decisions, Firstly building buggies, as you […]

Buggying Heaven – Level 5

According to Islamic beliefs, last Thursday was the occasion of Isra’ and Mi’raj  when the prophet Mohamed made a spiritual & physical journey to the furthermost mosque in Jerusalem. There he met other prophets including Jesus & John the Baptist.  He then ascended into the 7 heavens. It was at the 7th heaven he haggled […]

When the Desert Kicks

By March 2011 after 10 years of desert buggying,  I’d clocked up around 35,000 kms. During that time I’d smashed my right shoulder and busted a couple of ribs but nothing so devastating as the OBE I encountered on 4 March 2011, which left me in a debilitated & depressed state as I was unable […]

Sand Yeti

Sand Yeti’s intro has been updated, and you can also find his tips and adventures here

New Side Bar Category


Dubai Buggying Trip

 Dubai April 2009 What a great Buggying adventure, and what a privilege to meet the great Sand Yeti and the desert gang, the photo here from left to right. Sand Yeti, Sir Bolts, Brig, PTW, Denise & Dubai Red Dragon