There’s a new kid in the Elite Club

Huge congratulations to Dirk Hemza, also known as Screwyfits or Screwy Dye Jobs, for achieving a remarkable speed of 65.5mph (105.41km/h) at the recent IBX 2024 event held at the Ivanpah Lake bed in the Mojave Desert of San Bernardino County, California, on the border of California and Nevada. Dirk, who has been kite buggying […]

24hrs of IBX 2017

A 24 hour montage of Ivanpah dry lake bed during IBX 2017 and the storm that ensued. https://www.facebook.com/HQUSA/videos/10155038873918346/ thanks to HQ Kites & Designs USA


Its that time of the year again …..Come on wind sport enthusiasts around the world, get involved IVANPAH DRY LAKE RECREATION AREA Primm Nevada USA  MARCH 27TH – MARCH 31ST 2017   HERE WE ARE KICKING OFF OUR FOURTH YEAR OF IBX     If you’ve been once or twice, we appreciate your presence and […]

Congratulations to Sean Venes

Congratulations to the newest member of the 100km/h club Sean Venes rolled in today covered in playa dust even before the party had started at the IBX 2016 with a 64.20mph or 103.31km/h. Sean Venes – Monday was just another day, except we all saw the wind forecast! 50+ mph winds. I didn’t go out […]