Corey Jenson – The Mayor of Buggy Town

This week I was deeply saddened to hear that the great Icon of kite flying and bugging, that is Corey Jenson had sadly passed away.

Corey  was one of the first names I came across when I first started to search out this great sport called Kite Buggying, I found the video below and was fascinated by Corey and his great enthusiasm for the sport, it hooked me.

Over the years, I came to realise Corey Jenson was one of the, if not THE BIGGEST names in the sport, only the founder of the modern day kite buggy Peter Lynn himself may have had a higher mantle…. I personally, cannot say we were great friends, or knew each other well, we were friends on Facebook, and frequently liked each others posts, I loved the fact he always wanted to help and make people smile with his anecdotes and jokes, and that alone makes him a nice man in my books regardless of anything kite buggy.

As I got more and more into kite buggying, NABX  (North American Buggy eXpo) kept popping up in conversations with my peers, and with researching soon found this NABX event was held on a dry lake bed in Primm Nevada, and it was huge, and also THE place to go if you wanted to break records and meet some of the greatest names in the sport of Kite Buggying.

Corey Jenson, was the ‘Mayor of Buggy Town’….and Buggy Town was the greatest gathering of kite buggiers and buggies who had met up at the annual NABX event and it was on one evening after a full days kite bugging on the lake bed in 2011, that Corey walked up to me and said “Hi Popeye”, he needed no introduction, I knew exactly who he was with his big white moustache….it was brilliant, here I was standing on the great lake bed Ivanpah at the NABX event, and here I was chatting to this kite bugging wordsmith….a legend.

Corey Jenson (left) RIP my friend

Corey Jenson (left)

Corey Jenson

Corey Jenson

Thank you for enriching our lives with your kindness RIP Mayor

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