David Hobbs Front Mudguard = Quality

Once again I have been extremely honoured, this is the first David Hobbs Carbon Fibre Disk Fork Mudguard in Europe. When it first arrive from its long journey from Australia, I was very impressed with the quality and craftsmanship of the purpose made kite buggy front guard, and the best bit….it is made from carbon fibre, so not only do I now have carbon on the rear of my buggy, with the axle, a carbon belly pan, I now have it on the front as well.

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Disc fork users now have the option of purchasing these brilliant guards from David Hobbs.

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I used existing holes in the fork plates, so no drilling stainless required, the only drilling is the hole positions on the guard, it is fixed by using four 6mm stainless bolts, its very rigid.

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I have to say in all honesty, I loved the front guard I made from a Yamaha motor bike, but when I compare that to this…..its a no brainer. Its not too close to the wheel either, being too close whips the sand up around the guard and shoots it out the front creating a face full of fine sand, I found have a decent gap between the tyre and guard elliminates that problem.

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Please visit David Hobbs website Hobbs Kite Buggies 

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