The Quantum is the result of intensive research, development and testing. The design goal was to make an easy-to-fly high performance race winning land kite. It has been designed to excel in high level buggy and snowkite races.
Team rider Malte Lutz has been involved in developing the new kite and has been using the prototypes throughout the season. He has already proven the Quantum’s potential by winning the very competitive 2013 German Championships.
There are several important factors which a kite has to perform in race conditions – it needs to be super fast in a straight line, has to pull upwind, have stable handling on the downwind course and be manageable in gusty conditions.
The Quantum is a completely new design, basically everything has changed, new planform, higher arc, more cells, less bridle attachment points and the latest internal construction methods. This all gives the Quantum a unique look and clean surfaces and shape which helps increase all round performance.
We have worked very hard on the Quantum’s stability and used some of the latest technology our Paragliding division has developed to achieve our goal. The result is less demanding kite to fly than our previous race kites and has a totally different new comfortable feeling, the power is more constant without having to use the brakes as much. It accelerates quicker after manoeuvres and pulls you easily through softer sands/ surfaces.
It is easier to fly but it still needs an experienced pilot to get the full performance out of it.
The new sizing has been calculated to cover all wind conditions but with only nine sizes for a full set, the Quantum has fewer sizes but as many as are needed.
The Quantum is made out of high performance, 30g Ozone Tech cloth. The bridle is spliced and stitched unsheathed dyneema, which together with a well thought through line plan reduces the amount of drag.
We have designed the Quantum to be flown on 15m Linesets to gain more forward pull and better upwind performance. In very light wind conditions the 13.5 and 11.2 should be used on 20m.