Crab Buggy Plans

Olivier Suire, has kindly given you Crab buggy fans a treat, the plans to make your own

I decided to post the fabrication drawings of a former prototype of Crab-Buggy :

It’s not the latest version, but it works fine, and it’s the only one for which I had a complete set of workshop drawings…
Crab Buggy 1 Crab Buggy 2 Crab Buggy 3 Crab Buggy 4
Below is a complete set of workshop drawings to build your own “Prototype 11” Crab-Buggy

Crab Buggy Plans

Disclaimer :

  1. This is one of the prototypes that I have built and tested, so I know it is a fun ride.
  2. The adjustment for the pilot legs is done through the position of the seat, since the frame itself is not adjustable.
  3. If you are a shorty-pants or a giant, you might need to change the size of the frame.

Yet, you should be aware that :

  • Cutting, bending and welding steel can hurt your fingers, burn your eyes, squish your toes.
  • Riding a three-wheeled chariot at high speeds tethered to a powerkite can cause serious injury, death or worse : hurt a little kid playing with a plastic bucket and shovel in the sand.

I can’t be held responsible for any dire consequence of the use of these drawings.

I WILL accept any marks of praise or sympathy though…:)

Have fun !