Peter Lynn – Speed Buggy Continued
I am striving to collect the whole story about this remarkable buggy, and so decided to add another page, and update the page as and when some more interesting facts become known.
I have been exchanging emails with Gavin Mulvay aka Gav, interestingly he tells me they took half of the Speed buggy back to New Zealand after NABX 2010….the front end to be exact, and Gav set to work making the changes they needed after the trials at NABX 2010, in fact He made lots of changes, most of the construction photos of the front end on the previous Speed Buggy page has been altered.
It now runs a front fork, and hydraulic front brake. Its quite a bit faster now than 2010 NABX, a few people had doubts about Brians Holgates record based on the performance of the 2010 buggy.
So who initially came up with the idea of the Speed Buggy? It was Peter Lynn himself who came up with the concept and layout
Who designed it? There was no design, Peter literally sat on the floor and I (Gav) drew around him with chalk, he also helped me with some of the details.
Where was it made? It was made in Peters personal workshop
Who else was involved? Craig Hansen, had a lot of input too, he also paid for it and was the passion behind it. Another person that has been great help is Marc Potter who we met at NABX 2010 when we camped beside him by chance. Marc was a more than helpful buggier from Northern California, he made 2011 NABX happen for us, I made him a custom ultralight buggy for his troubles.
Gav, so said you made some changes to the front end, what did you do? I spent a week making new forks, steering, motorbike brake, ect. then we shipped it back to the States for 2011 NABX. I spent another week in Marcs shed in California putting it back together and making improvements, and another week at NABX fine tuning everything. It still looks the same on the outside apart from the wheel covers.
Who financed all this, surely Craig Hansen ddn’t pay for everything? It was financed mostly by Peter Lynn kites ltd New Zealand, Craig Hansen is a half owner. freight was sponsored by GVI logistics both years.
Who was piloting the buggy in 2011? Well as Craig and Peter were not there that year, Matt Bedford was the pilot.
- This is the very first sketch of the speed buggy, together with the notes